Te koop aangeboden in 01737 Tharandt, Winkelweg 8 ,net onder de rook van Dresden, een woonblok met 6 woningen waarvan 2 voor ca 2200 euro jaarlijks verhuurd zijn. Het pand is in 1994 en 2002 gedeeltelijk opgeknapt, hierbij zijn kunstof ramen met thermo glas ingebouwd, het dak vernieuwd, incl de goten en de komplete buitenmuren van isolatie voorzien,gedeeltelijk nw electra.Ondanks dit alles moet er binnen aan de leegstaande woningen nog het ea.worden gedaan.
English Detached 2geschossiges, sometimes a cellar apartment building with 6 apartments. On the ground floor and upstairs each with 3 small apartments of approximately 35 m2 are located. WC is located on the mezzanine floors, closet, attic is not expanded with several crates. Slope with arbor in the garden. Idyllic view of the valley, wooded area just outside the door. 1994 and 2002, the roof and the gutters was renovated installed plastic windows and renovated the facade with thermal insulation. The former tenants have partially installed shower cubicle in the kitchen, partially outside wall gas heaters. The electrical system was partially renovated. Separate gas connections available for individual apartments. House water supply must be replaced. Overall, solid construction, rehabilitation needs. The house is situated on a mountain road up the hill. Tharand is a university town, student apartments are in great demand. The Auction House is no energy certificate. Detailed information and pictures please ask via the contact form on our website.