Buying a house or an apartment is the biggest investment in your life for most people. Good advice to get an optimal and personal finance is very important. The market is often very confusing and opaque.
The choice between a Dutch or German bank is dependent on whether you want lean money on an existing house and where this house is located.
In Germany, the interest rates are usually lower than in the Netherlands. This is usually also the costs calculated by the bank itself.
Against a German bank you can get in the Netherland a so-called grace leaning. That means you pay only the interest, but not the money borrowed for a repayment term. After the repayment term you pay back the whole loan.
An advantage with German banks is, that it is quickly clear – most within four weeks – if you get financing or not.
We can arrange contacts with some specialists who find it for you in return for a small compensation if you are credit worthy, and if so with which bank.