
Properties Bulgaria

Bulgaria operates the Bie property management with a solid Dutch consultant , Mr. Hovenkamp . He is a specialist in Bulgarian real estate. Because he lives in the vicinity of Sofia , the language and laws well, we can totally rely on his experience in the property market in Bulgaria.

Bulgaria is the same as in the Czech Republic , namely that you can not put the property in his own name . This must be put in the name of a Bulgarian company . This has to do with the fact that, until the completion of accession to the Union Européenne , you are not home or can be registered any other property in your own name in the register.

If you have questions regarding Bulgarian real estate , whether it has to do with property, office buildings and hotels , you can contakt with the Bie record property management. We will contact you as soon as possible with news about this rather complicated cases.

For contact debie.info@gmail.com